
Soto Zen Mission in Canada カナダにおける曹洞宗布教の開始

Soto Zen Mission in Canada カナダにおける曹洞宗布教の開始






Posted by Gyokei Yokoyama at 14:49


Walking through the Pandemic

Sozenji Temple Newsletter August 2021
Sozenji Buddhist Temple in Montebello City, California, USA

3020 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Tel (323) 724-6866
Email: sozenjibuddhisttemple@gmail.com
Website: www.sozenjibuddhisttemple.weebly.com
Zoom ID for ALL Service and Practice: 8111889419

Soto Zen Mission in Canada started in the summer of 2021
Rokcy Mountain Zen Community, Edmonton and Lethbridge, Alberta Canada

Soto Zen Mission at Sozenji Buddhist Temple, Montebello, USA

Soto Zen Mission in Los Angeles and other parts of North America

Gyokei Yokoyama

3020 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Tel (323) 724-6866
Email: sozenjibuddhisttemple@gmail.com
Website: www.sozenjibuddhisttemple.weebly.com
Zoom ID for ALL Service and Practice: 8111889419


Posted by Gyokei Yokoyama at 04:11


Buddhist Mission in North America July 2021 北米国際布教の記録

Sozenji Temple Newsletter July 2021
Sozenji Buddhist Temple in Montebello City, California, USA

3020 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Tel (323) 724-6866
Email: sozenjibuddhisttemple@gmail.com
Website: www.sozenjibuddhisttemple.weebly.com
Zoom ID for ALL Service and Practice: 8111889419

Sozenji Obon:Seijiki-e Service, Manto-e Service, and August Shotsuk iService
Sozenji will have its annual Obon service on August 1st from 2 pm both in person and online on Zoom at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8111889419. Everyone is welcome!

Please send us the order for Manto-e lanterns for your deceased family at sozenjibuddhisttemple@gmail.com by July 23rd.
Each name is hung with each lantern ($10 each)
Please send a check to Sozenji Buddhist Temple at 3020 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640.

Mrs. Kimiok Yamato's First Anniversary Memorial Service
Saturday, July 10, 2021

We gathered at Sozenji temple both in-person and online on Zoom to remember Mrs. Kimiko Yamato with her family.
I officiated the service with Rev. Daiki Toho of Zenshuji temple in Los Angeles.

Mr. David Isobe, the president of Sozenji Buddhist Temple Board, presented the plaque to Stacy and Masako in recognition of the devotion and commitment of Mrs. Kimiko Yamato. The plaque is now placed in the main hall for the members to remember her and her dedication to the otera (temple).

Sozenji July Shotsuki Memorial Service held both in-person and online on Zoom
Sunday, July 11, 2021

I was able to conduct the monthly Shotsuki memorial service with Shuraku Stuard at Sozenji both in-person and online. The Nagato family, Lincoln, Lisa Mike, and their son came to join us. Ms. Miyo Minato prepared refreshments for us to enjoy outside in the courtyard. Thank you for joining us!

Soto Zen Mission in Canada was launched with Mr. Aaron Roth in Edmonton.

Rocky Mountain Zen was launched by Aaron Roth who has been sharing Zen practice both at Nikka Yuko Japanse Garden in Lethbridge and Edmonton. I will visit him this summer to officially recognize him as the first student in Canada and support his activity for the collaborative project of Rocky Mountain Zen in Alberta, Canada, and Sozenji Buddhist Temple in California, USA.

I look forward to working with him to further spread the teachings of Soto Zen Buddhism both monastic and lay settings in Canada from both Japan and the US with all the resources and friendships that I have been nurturing since the beginning of my priesthood.

I will be offering a dharma talk this coming Tuesday on July 20th from 5:30 (PST) for the Rocky Mountain Zen group.
You can join us at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4015707004
Password: zazen
Rocky Mountain Zen Group also offers practice on Sundays from 8:00 (PST) and Tuesdays from 5:30 (PST)

Mr. David Isobe, the president of the Sozenji board, has been working very hard to help me settle in Sozenji temple after I left Long Beach Buddhist Church at the end of June. From the legal aspect and my transition to Montebello to the graffitis on the buildings, he has been taking care of various things concerning Sozenji temple. Thank you very much for all your hard work, David!


Sozenji recieved donation of Buddhist Art from the neighbor Teresa and also a picutre of a lotus from Shuraku' which his mother, Victoria, took before she passed away this year.

Ms. Ann Tanouye has brought flowers to Sozenji temple for our service. I can offer the flowers to the buddhas and ancestors.

Venerable Pichai visits Sozenji temple sometimes.

Fourth of July at Sozenji Buddhist Temple

We appreciate any amount of support for Sozenji temple through Paypal (suggested donation $5 - $10)
at sozenjibuddhisttemple@gail.com.
Thank you for your continued support and friendship!

Gyokei Yokoyama

3020 W Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640
Tel (323) 724-6866
Email: sozenjibuddhisttemple@gmail.com
Website: www.sozenjibuddhisttemple.weebly.com
Zoom ID for ALL Service and Practice: 8111889419


Posted by Gyokei Yokoyama at 18:24